Section 2.1 - Four operators

Starting from now, I will explain all functions available in picFX, as well as some words about their use in picture manipulation

Note that there are functions, like log or sinh, where the exact meaning of the function has no importance, just the form of the curve is interesting.
There are others, like atan where you may either be interested in the form of the curve (I have used it once for making a spread where the colour changes in quite a narrow place) or in the actual 'use' of that function.
And remember that you can use Implicit function to know what a function's curve looks like.

The four basic operators are
a+b; a-b; a*b; a/b: I guess you know what they do :-)

Use (x-a) instead of x in a function to move the graph a pixel to the right. (x+a) Does the same to the left..
Use (x/a) instead of x to enlarge the graph a times. (x*a) reduces by a times

The same are of course valid for y. Remember that they act in the inverse of what they seem to do. For example, For t fixed, x/2 gets t when x is 2t. For t fixed, x-1 gets t when x is t+1...

I will speak about this a little again in the linear transformation part of section 4.3: linear and non-linear transformations


Chapter one: Introduction

1.1: Introduction 
1.2: What can't be done with picFX
1.3: Simple spreads

Chapter two: Mathematical function summary

2.1: Four operators
2.2: Trigonometric functions
2.3: Min, Max, Modulo, Abs
2.4: Other functions